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Custom Solution Manager Fiori workcenter

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Dear SAP community,

We are trying to create custom Fiori workcenter (solman_workcenter) in Solution Manager 7.2.

Our goal is to provide URL to CUSTOM workcenter with automatic login (anonymous access). This custom workcenter will have a technical user for automatic authentication (login) and roles just to provide access to specific tabs in workcenter. We cannot use the standard workcenter service, as this is used for all other users that have to be authenticated with username/pw. We are trying to find a way to have exactly the same workcenter (sm_workcenter / solman_workcenter), but running separately with a technical user with automatic login, for specific applications.

PART1: Setting up CUSTOM ?FLP? service to have an access to custom workcenter with anonymous access

We tried to copy service FLP to get a custom workcenter service, added a handler from FLP service, added username&pw for technical user, but login fails (same without user). We also tried creating Service refference to FLP service, with logon data but the popup for login appears. We found that providing username/pw in service means that this is the only user that can login to this service (doesnt mean its gonna provide it automatically during login). So we tried to create external alias for this service reference, but we can set only FLP service (cannot set our custom service refference).

PART2: Preparing roles, so the users using this anonymous access will see only specific applications (OK, there is no question.)

Question: How can we create a custom fiori workcenter service to have an URL with automatic login?

Best Regards

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Answers (3)

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Dear SAP community, dear Vignesh,

We have been trying different variants to find a solution. The closest variant to a solution is to create anonymous access to service /default_host/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/stdf/central:

and provide URL to "Custom page" created in Focused Insights launchpad.

As the standard procedure to configure anonymous access is describing a need to create external alias to DFL_SERVICE, which is the service enabling the possibility to use anonymous access, creating external alias to /default_host/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/stdf/central should be working, as it works for other services like occ_dash, ope_dash etc.

The problem is, that it doesn't work completely. The application starts to load and gets frozen in "Please wait for the application to be ready" status:

Any ideas?

Best Regards

0 Kudos

Hello jan_kotrc,

For PART 1 of your query, please check below URL

How to setup anonymous access to dashboards - Solution Manager - Support Wiki (



0 Kudos

Dear Vignesh,

That is anonymous access on the level of Focused Insights application. We would like to provide URL to custom workcenter (with anonymous access). The idea is the same, but we cannot make it work for the workcenter itself, as workcenter service (flp) works as one technical entity (should we copy this FLP service?)

The background behing our idea:

We have users without access to SOLMAN, and we would like to provide them with URL to custom workcenter and the URL would be automatically authenticating technical user with specified set of roles, so the users can see not just Focused Insights application, but also other workcenter tabs.

In our environment, we have already anonymous access on the level of Focused Insights set. But we have to provide many URL's to different dashboards. We would like to provide one URL to those users, so they can navigate in their own custom workcenter (and maybe get some other applications, under one technical user). - Provide one URL, which is a custom workcenter for a specific set of users (who dont have users in SOLMAN), separated from SOLMAN users using workcenter (normal users with their login).

If we would just create the specific set of roles and generate users in SOLMAN, they would have to login everytime (not compliable).

If we would set a user with password for the main workcenter service (flp), everyone using SOLMAN would have the same set of roles (because it would be running under one technical user) - thats not compliable.

We are looking for a solution to create custom workcenter service, separated from the standard workcenter service, with automatic login.

Any ideas? Best Regards!

0 Kudos

Hello jan_kotrc

Please check below SAP link for creating custom catalog and custom work center with Fiori app launchpad.

Best Practices for Setting Up Content | SAP Help Portal

I've attached some screenshots from SAP EGI guide, please do check them too.











Dear Vignesh,

Thank you for your reply and Happy New year ! 🙂

Your reply helps with PART2 described. (How to set up apps and roles in existing Fiori Launchpad)

We are looking for an answer to PART1, because the main prerequisite is to have an anonymous access to Fiori Launchpad, but just for set of users accessing it by URL (those users dont have access to Solution Manager system).

0 Kudos

Hello jan_kotrc,

For PART 1 of your query, please check below URL

How to setup anonymous access to dashboards - Solution Manager - Support Wiki (

