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Downloaded file not working with uploadset SAPUI5 and get stream sap odata

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Issue :- Attachment not opening/downloading.

We have used sapui5 uploadset to handle upload/download attachment in our application.

<upload:UploadSet id="UploadSet1" instantUpload="false" showIcons="true" uploadEnabled="true" afterItemAdded="onAfterItemAdded"						uploadCompleted="onUploadCompleted" noDataText="No File" noDataDescription="No File attached" uploadUrl="../../../../upload" items="{path: 'data>/truckFiles', templateShareable: false}">
<upload:UploadSetItem fileName="{data>Filename}" mediaType="{data>MimeType}" visibleEdit="false" visibleRemove="false" url="{data>__metadata/media_src}"></upload:UploadSetItem>
Now, this is how data is stored image.png . When we try to open/download the attachment. It doesn't open and says It appears we don't support this file format. 

get_stream code is below:-

We had to add set_header here referring , because without that , it downloading files with the name of entity.

File open with text and shows "{"mediaType":"image/png","fileName":"image.png","size":20274}".

  METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_stream.

DATA ls_lheader TYPE ihttpnvp.

DATA : ls_media TYPE zdtt_insp_media.
DATA(lt_keys) = io_tech_request_context->get_keys( ).
DATA(lv_inspid) = VALUE #( lt_keys[ name = 'INSP_ID' ]-value OPTIONAL ).

DATA(lv_filename) = VALUE #( lt_keys[ name = 'FILENAME' ]-value OPTIONAL ).

ls_lheader-name = 'Content-Disposition'.
* ls_lheader-value = 'outline; filename="Mobile.pdf";'.
ls_lheader-value = |outline; filename={ lv_filename };|.
set_header( is_header = ls_lheader ).

IF lv_inspid IS NOT INITIAL AND lv_filename IS NOT INITIAL.
SELECT SINGLE FROM zdtt_insp_media
FIELDS insp_id, filename, cr_date,cr_time,value, mimetype
WHERE insp_id = @lv_inspid
AND filename = @lv_filename
INTO ( @ls_media-insp_id,@ls_media-filename,@ls_media-cr_date,@ls_media-cr_time,@ls_media-value, @ls_media-mimetype ).
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
copy_data_to_ref( EXPORTING is_data = ls_media
CHANGING cr_data = er_stream ).

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Thank you sergiorecasens , I will check on it.

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First, check if the URL format of each element of the UploadSetItem type is correct. It must have the '$value' option to the end of the URL. For example:


If you don't add '$value' option, you will be calling the GET_ENTITY method (FILESET_GET_ENTITY in this example) instead of the GET_STREAM method.

Then, in the implementation of the GET_STREAM method, I recommend returning a structure of the standard type ty_s_media_resource, which is the same as the one used by default in the CREATE_STREAM method, as follows:

DATA: ...
ls_stream TYPE ty_s_media_resource.


set_header( is_header = ls_header ).
ls_stream-value = lv_content. " lv_content is the raw value of the file
ls_stream-mime_type = lv_mime_type.

  is_data = ls_stream
  cr_data = er_stream ).



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