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Generate database with DBMS "oracle version 19c" : allow table names longer than 40 characters

0 Kudos

Since oracle 12c, table names (also index names, constraint names, ...) are allowed to be more than 40 characters long.

In PowerDesner (16.7), I create the DDL-statements from my model.

I modified the model options Naming conventions --> Table --> Code --> Maximum lenght: 128 characters. So all codes can have 128 characters.

When doing "generate Database" with DBMS "Oracle Version 19c", all the identifiers (table names, index names, ..) are truncated to 40 characters.

Is there a way to create Oracle DDL-statements with table-names > 40 characters ?

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Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)


Hi Geert,

setting maximum allowed lengths is a little bit tricky in PowerDesigner. There are two places where you can affect it and PowerDesigner automatically applies the stricter setting to generated code. One place is Model Options - Naming Convention. To be precise, Naming conventions node and Naming Convention - Table node, which can override general settings from Naming Convention node.

The other place is in your definition file. Open menu Database - Edit current DBMS file and go to Script\Objects\Table\Maxlen. There you find your 30 characters restriction. If you enlarge it here, it will start working as you need. You have to adjust it separately for other objects too (Column, Index, etc.)


Ondrej Divis

0 Kudos

Hi Ondrej,

Thank you very much for your help.You have served me well.
I have been searching for weeks in all the parameters, but couldn't find a solution.



Answers (1)

Answers (1)

0 Kudos

When doing generate Database with DBMS "Oracle Version 19c", all the identifiers (table names, index names, ..) are truncated to 40 characters.


Why? Do you have any idea whether the "truncated to 40 characters" was done by application on top of this database, or database itself? It looks database itself won't do cut.....

0 Kudos

Hi James, thanks for you reaction.
I'm using PowerDesigner 16.7 to generate the DDL statements. I refined my question.

0 Kudos

Hi James, thanks for your reaction. I"m using PowerDesigner 16.7.

I've refined my question to make it more clear

0 Kudos

thanks for the feedback, then it looks like power designer cut the characters....