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How to get backup of Sybase ASE 16.0

Former Member

Dear All,

I would like to share my knowledge here. Kindly find the following backup configuration and how to take DB+LOG backup for Sybase.

Backup Tool: Putty

Database : Sybase ASE 16.0

First need to login with ''sybsid''

[root@bwdev ~]# su - sybsid
[sybgbd@bwdev ~]$
Sample Command Format:

[sybsid@bddev ~]$ isql -Usapsa -SSID -X
Password: 1> use master
2> go

( SID Transaction Log Database Backup configuration )

1> sp_config_dump @config_name='SIDLOG',
2> @stripe_dir = '/sybase/SID/SIDLOG_BACKUP' ,
3> @compression = '101' ,
4> @verify = 'header'
5> go
The change is completed. The option is dynamic and ASE need not be rebooted for
the change to take effect.
(return status = 0)

( SID Database Backup configuration )

1> sp_config_dump @config_name='SIDDB',
2> @stripe_dir = '/sybase/SID/SIDDB_BACKUP',
3> @compression = '101' ,
4> @verify = 'header'
5> go
The change is completed. The option is dynamic and ASE need not be rebooted for
the change to take effect.
(return status = 0)

DB backup :

1>dump database master using config = SIDDB
2>go 1>dump database model using config = SIDDB
2>go 1>dump database saptempdb using config = SIDDB
2>go 1>dump database saptools using config = SIDDB
2>go 1>dump database NPD using config = SIDDB
Trans log backup :

1>dump transaction NPD using config = SIDLOG


Pre-Requisite for sybase DB and LOG.I was given as per following path.



If you are facing any issue, Please follow the below URL...



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Juergen

Thanks for your support

After added the ASE Server port we are getting a different error message

"No language handler installed. Language cmd: dump database SID to 'M:\backups\AFP_Database' with compression = 101"

Could you help me out from the following error message? our ASE DB on Windows failover cluster environment



Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Former Member


Yes.... I hope clearly mention the full backup scenario for Sybase. It will useful for all.

0 Kudos

Yes, I have clearearly mentioned the all steps and this is useful for all beginears to come up.

Answers (3)

Answers (3)

Former Member

Excellent Document👍.. I really appreciate..

0 Kudos

Thank You...!

Dear Jeyaganesh,

Thanks for this document.. It is very Useful for me!

0 Kudos

Thanks ! and Welcome ....

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Jeyaganesh

Nice one, I followed the same steps, & how we can create the automated scripts to take the backup in windows OS with Sybase 15.7



Active Participant


there are two schedulers already available on your machine.

You can either use ASE job scheduler (please check the corresponding manual)

or Windows scheduler.

For Windows scheduler you can put all your sql stuff into a single sql script (e.g. backup.sql).

Then you can create a small batch file (e.g. backup.bat) calling ASE using the backup.sql file. All in all the backup.bat file should contain a like like this:

isql -U backup_user -P password -S ABC -i c:\ASE\scripts\backup.sql -o c:\ASE\log\backup.log

Finally you can call this script / bat file using the Windows scheduler. The script name (fullpath\backup.bat) must provided in the action tab when creating a new task.

Best regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Juergen.

While executing the command as mention below

isql -U backup_user -P password -S(windwos Failover Cluster virtual Name)  -ic:\ASE\scripts\backup.sql-oc:\ASE\log\backup.log

we are getting the following error message in ASE 15.7

"No language handler installed. Language cmd: dump database AFP to 'M:\backups\AFP_Database' with compression = 101"

how we can resolve the issue? Could you help us



Active Participant
0 Kudos


I don't know how to handle this error message. But I would break it into smaller steps and try to get it running. So first would be to log into ASE and run the backup command (if your database AFP is too large, you can also try with database model).

Best regards,


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Juergen

Manually backup is getting completed there no issues, with the same command what I was mentioned in the backup.sql file


dump database <database_name> to <device_name>


dump tran <database_name> with no_log



when we are trying to do automated we are getting error messages what I was shared with you in my previous communications could pls help me.



Active Participant


this is somehow good as backup in general is working. Next, in my step by step approach, I would just put both commands into a small sql script and call it via an input file:

isql .... -i c:\testscript.sql

In the isql line, you pasted above, there is a strange ASE name (windwos Failover Cluster virtual Name). Are you sure that you connect to the correct ASE? Sometimes language handler issues occur because you're connected to the wrong instance that doesn't understand the command (e.g. connected to Backup Server or Replication Server instead of ASE).

Btw.: dump tran ..with no_log is a kind of last resort when the transaction log is completely full. Usually with truncate_only is used when you don't want to store the log content.

Best regards,
