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How to load hierarchy from Calculation View to InfoObject through data source?

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Dear Experts,

Recently I'm struggling with an issue of loading data from CV to InfoObject hierarchy. Few years ago I was implementing this data flow on SAP BW on HANA, however I'm not able to reproduce steps. Here is what I did as of now:

1. Created Calculation View returning data in a format required for hierarchies:

2. Created Data Source on top of CV - here I face first issue I don't see option to choose hierarchy as source type:

anyway I selected Master Data Attributes to be able to continue.

3. Then I created Transformation and DTP:

for Hierarchy Header I'm assigning field from CV with the name of hierarchy:

Other fields are mapped same way as for Data Source for flat file:

But then when I run the DTP I'm getting error message:
More than one text specified for hierarchy header for language EN

When I load same data from a flatfile it works as fine (except HIENM field). I guess that I might missing something here.

Does anyone did similair scenario and could share the experience?

Thanks in advance!

Accepted Solutions (1)

Accepted Solutions (1)

Active Contributor

Finally I found SAP note 0002921201 ,which describes how mapping for specific tabs should look like.

In general for tabs: Hierarchy Header, Hierarchy Description I should assign constants instead of using direct mapping.

Hierarchy Header (technical name of hierarchy header as Constant value):

Hierarchy Description (language fixed as EN):

Tabs Texts for Text Node and Texts for Hierarchy Level need to be also configured as described in SAP note.

Hello konrad,

It is a very good topic you have posted. Could you make it work with simple transformation mapping? Or did you have to write some code as well?
I am now looking for a similar solution, where I have some level specific data in a table, I made a calculation view with hierarchy on top of it & a hana datasource as you have done. But it does not allow me to update the hierarchy saying the "Node ID is not used in the hierarchy as a sibling node or child node" - I can't do that since then all the child in Level4 will repeat the node ID for Level3 in the hierarchy, which is throwing an error too, saying node ID for Multimedia is occuring multiple times in the hierarchy.

The table data looks like below : Level5 is the bottom most leaf. From the calculation view how can I get the hierarchy structure segment of the infoobject? Like you got for IOBJNM & all?

I tried a lot of other combination, but it did not help. Any lead will be helpful 🙂


0 Kudos

Hi SB,

did you find the solution for this task?

Thank you.



I'm facing same issue while trying to load the data to Hierarchy object from calculation view, DTP is getting failed like Node id as occurred more than once. Have you find the solution for above mentioned task. Do we need to write any code for it?

Thanks in advance!

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