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How to show User details in Cloud Foundry HTML5 app connected by using Azure AD?

0 Kudos

Hello Experts,

I am now trying to retrieve some useful information from a logged user (email, name, surname, etc) in my HTML5 Cloud Foundry App.

I have already connected my Azure AD with my SAP SCP Cloud Foundry environment, that is not a problem.

So, how do i get the information that I need?

Do I have to create a new destination to a xsuaa service or something?

Do I have to activate another SCP service?

Is there an available ajax call that I could use?

Thanks in advance.

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Answers (2)

Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

You got the perfect timing for this question 🙂

SAP just released a new version of the Approuter that takes care of this a few days ago. vvdries already wrote a post about this yesterday:

Active Contributor

This absolutely great! Finally a standard approach to access the user details on cloud foundry!

Looking forward to try this one out myself!


Great indeed Geert-Jan! Really nice we can consume the user information this way from now on! 🙂

Active Contributor
0 Kudos


There's no standard service you can use to retrieve the user details on cloud foundry. There are however a few approaches you can use to retrieve the user information.

Did you have a look at this blog? (Show current user details in Cloud Foundry apps with IAS | SAP Blogs)

I would expect solution 1, 2 & 3 at least to be an option for you as well. (the last solution relies on the fact that you're using IAS and not Azure directly)

Best regards,

Geert-Jan Klaps