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odata,concat throw TypeError: v.replace is not a function on StableIdHelper


Hello all,

I believe this is a bug. If the following facet (CAP) is implemented:

FieldGroup #test : {
        $Type : 'UI.FieldGroupType',
        Label : 'asd',
        Data  : [{
            $Type : 'UI.DataField',
            Label : 'test value',
            Value : {
                $edmJson : {
                    $Apply : [
                    $Function : 'odata.concat',

the following error is thrown

TypeError: v.replace is not a function - TypeError: v.replace is not a function 
 TypeError: v.replace is not a function
    at g (StableIdHelper.js?eval:formatted:50)
    at e (StableIdHelper.js?eval:formatted:139)
    at Function.e (Key.js?eval:5)
    at x (Form.js?eval:5)
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at m (Form.js?eval:5)
    at p (Form.js?eval:5)
    at s (Form.js?eval:5)
    at r1 (SubSection.js?eval:5)
    at eval (SubSection.js?eval:5 


[image can't be uploaded] line 37: if (v && v.$Apply && v.$Function === "odata.concat") {

the values are stored in Apply instead of $Apply, the same with Function.

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