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Pretty Printer - Used it aligned existing code also

Former Member
0 Kudos

HI Team,

I have added small logic in existing abap program but unfortunately I pressed pretty printer. so complete program aligned accordingly. but now in existing code have more issue in ATC.

Hence request you to let me know is there any procedure to recall the pretty printer changes.

I want the program how the existing is? is this possible?



Active Contributor


Pretty Printer should be used everytime you change the code.

You should concentrate on what the errors are and ignore the alignments due to Pretty Printer.


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You can use version management to get the old version of the program back, re-apply your changes and don't click Pretty Print.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Gerrit,

Thank you for your suggestion.

Am new to this, so please help me on below points

1. if we retrieve from old version, it will display retrieve details & status info in version management, SO is this fine?

2. Could you please let me know steps to do the same.

Thank you in advance.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Only if changes are transported can you get the old version. If changes are never transported then you cannot get old codebase. Also pretty printer is a formatting option and can't introduce SCI/ATC. Review your code thoroughly and fix SCI/ATC rather than fretting over preetu printer because pretty printer is anyways recommend .