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Adobe Forms Change in print programm structure but no change in Context/Interface

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I am working on a Adobe Form I have had a finished layout and Print Programm ( I was given the task over when the Kontext and Interface were set up properly) later on I requirements changed and I had to add a couple more fields to it to a table that usually has 3-5 rows.

I added the field in the structure and filled the fields in the print programm but everytime I open the form the strucutre in the kontext does not change.

Is there anything I can do with it all of the data in the form is already binding and was wondering if there is anything I can do in the main time to not have to re-add and then re-bind all the data.

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Did you set the field in the context of the Adobe form (from interface to Adobe) ?

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Did you try to refresh the structure in the context (right click on the element and refresh)?

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Yes I did and it worked.

I fist did it in the context menu on the left side then on the right side with the structure selected after.

Thank for your comment.