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Analysis for Office Prompt does not accept mouse clicks



We are using Analysis for Office 2.7 and 2.8.

So far 2 users have the effect that they cannot use the mouse in the Prompt dialog, the buttons don't accept the mouse click. Keyboard entry is possible.

They use different versions of Analysis (one user 2.7, one user 2.8), but both have a two screen setup (two monitors connected to the PC).

After some testing, it works for them when they use a specific screen (one of the two) for the prompt.

I tried that on my system, but I can't reproduce this behavior. For me Analysis works on both screens.

I searched in OSS and here, but did not find a similar topic.

Does anyone have the same experience, or a hint / solution?


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Does resinstallation of AO and Office packge have any impact on this issue?

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Edit 21.02.2023:
With AO 2.8 SP17 we shipped an improvement in the DPI Handling which got documented with SAP Note 3248397 - AO: Multi Monitor & DPI environments - UI elements do not react when clicking on ....

This enables Per-Monitor DPI Awareness for the affected dialogs (like the Prompts) which should fix the issue and also improves the appearance of the dialogs in multi monitor & DPI scenarios.

After installing this version the workarounds I described become obsolete.

Please give it a try and let us know in case that you are still facing this issue (ideally via an SAP Incident).

Thanks & best regards,

Previous / Original answer:

Hi Matthias,

This sounds like it might be an DPI related issue (the dynamic DPI integration of Windows and Office are not really fully bullet proof yet).

Could you please check in the Display Settings if the monitors have different DPI values?

If that's the case, is the issue still reproducible when using the same DPI value for all monitors (e.g. 100% and don't forget to log off and on again after changing the value)?

Alternatively / additionally you can also check if changing the "when using multiple displays" mode in the Excel Settings helps (the best appearance mode already caused problems in the past due to an bug in the dynamic DPI integration in Excel).

Please let us know the result as this could help us to investigate the root cause of the issue.

Thanks & best regards,

0 Kudos


we also have the problem, currently with one user.
We use Analysis for Office 2.8 and Microsoft 365.

First, we completely reinstalled the computer (Windows 10, Microsoft 365, Analysis for Office 2.8 SP 5).
However, the error remained.

Then I saw the hint of Patrik and we did some tests. The error only occurs when using two monitors.
But fortunately with the suggested Excel setting, the error no longer occurs.

Thanks and best regards

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Thank you Patrik!

The "Optimize for compatibility" setting solved the problem 🙂

Best regards


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It was super wired issue at first glance, thanks for the suggestion it worked.

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Great!! I have resolved this issue using this article. In our case we used the Excel option because changing the DPI setting was not feasible to the user.

Thank you!!

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Hi Patrik,

Thanks for sharing, this helped.

Im on AO 2.8 SP15, have 2 screens and issue persisted until Excel options were changed.

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I am glad that the workarounds I described helped you to solve the issue!

Please be aware that I updated my original answer with SAP Note 3248397 - AO: Multi Monitor & DPI environments - UI elements do not react when clicking on ... (part of AO 2.8 SP17) which should make the workarounds obsolete in the future.

Best regards,

0 Kudos

Many thanks Patrik. The workaround also solved my issue, it was very irritating that I had to switch the prompt window to main screen