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Analysis for Office Prompt does not accept mouse clicks



We are using Analysis for Office 2.7 and 2.8.

So far 2 users have the effect that they cannot use the mouse in the Prompt dialog, the buttons don't accept the mouse click. Keyboard entry is possible.

They use different versions of Analysis (one user 2.7, one user 2.8), but both have a two screen setup (two monitors connected to the PC).

After some testing, it works for them when they use a specific screen (one of the two) for the prompt.

I tried that on my system, but I can't reproduce this behavior. For me Analysis works on both screens.

I searched in OSS and here, but did not find a similar topic.

Does anyone have the same experience, or a hint / solution?


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Does resinstallation of AO and Office packge have any impact on this issue?

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This works for us.
Thank you very much.
It was so enoying
The workaround we had until now was to position the cursor on the last input field and then with 5x tab go to the OK button and then press the Enter key
An alternative workaround was to drag the prompt popup screen to the laptop screen. On the laptop screen the mouse still worked fine.

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Hi b.struijk

I am glad that the workarounds I described helped you to solve the issue!

Please be aware that I updated my original answer with SAP Note 3248397 - AO: Multi Monitor & DPI environments - UI elements do not react when clicking on ... (part of AO 2.8 SP17) which should make the workarounds obsolete in the future.

Best regards,