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Analytic Application: Get extra long text


Hello together,

we have build an query which contains infoobjects with extra longs texts. However, I'd like to return those extra long texts in SAC via the getResulSetFunction(). For some reason it will always return the normal text/ID but never the extra long text, even though I changed the display settings to "extra long text". #

Does anyone has an Idea how to access those extra long texts ?

Thanks in advance

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Active Contributor

Hello torben_he

Please check if Admin setting is set in your tenant.

  1. Go to SAC menu > Administration > System Configuration.
  2. Scroll down to the following item: "Respect text presentations that are defined at BW Query level."
  3. Turn this option on

There are still some limitations around text display when it comes to live connection. Incase you are using live connection, look into these requests-

Dynamic Text design and content options

Acquired DS:

Acquired data source limitation up to 256 chars

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You helped me out a lot ! Thanks for that !