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Dear colleagues,

in my mobile app I am using the App control (SAP UI5 Version 1.10.0 build at 201301291602) with navigation. For the navigation implementation I followed the best practices documented in Most of the times the navigation works but in cases which I don't understand the navigation will fail with the following error

Element sap.m.App#mobileBPMApp: Cannot navigate to page TaskContainer because another navigation is already in progress. - 

But the previous navigation has at least visually taken place and is completed. Any suggestion on how to figure out what is going on and where this problem comes from?

Best regards,


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Hi Joachim,

difficult to say without a closer look... The NavContainer has a "this._bNavigating" flag which is set when a navigation starts and is re-set when the end-of-animation callback is invoked by the browser.

So in your case either the second transition is triggered too early (does it only happen when navigating very oon after the first animation? Is it triggered programatically or by the user?) or there has been an error during the first transition (any error messages in the console? Maybe any message like "Transition ... 'to' was triggered five seconds ago, but has not yet invoked the end-of-transition callback" when logging is turned on?)

Best way to find out would be a breakpoint in the line giving the "Cannot navigate..." output.



0 Kudos

Hello Andreas,

I just navigated a few times through my app until this happens:

2013-07-30 10:28:04 Element sap.m.App#mobileBPMApp: Cannot navigate to page TaskContainer because another navigation is already in progress. -   sap-ui-core.js:41

2013-07-30 10:28:04 navTo - to page: TaskContainer -   sap-ui-core.js:41

2013-07-30 10:28:04 Event fired: 'tap' on Element sap.m.ActionListItem#__item6-__list1-0 -  sap.ui.core.UIArea sap-ui-core.js:41

2013-07-30 10:28:04 Event fired: 'mouseup' on Element sap.m.ActionListItem#__item6-__list1-0 -  sap.ui.core.UIArea sap-ui-core.js:41

2013-07-30 10:28:04 Event fired: 'click' on Element sap.m.ActionListItem#__item6-__list1-0 -  sap.ui.core.UIArea sap-ui-core.js:41

2013-07-30 10:28:04 Event fired: 'sapfocusleave' on Element sap.m.Button#taskContainerPage-navButton -  sap.ui.core.UIArea sap-ui-core.js:41

2013-07-30 10:28:08 Transition 'slide' 'to' was triggered five seconds ago, but has not yet invoked the end-of-transition callback. -  

Does this help?

Best regards,
