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BW Bridge : The use of ...... is not permitted

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We are trying to implement some of the dataflows of an older BW system into BW Bridge.

One of the first things we are trying to implement is a routine in a transformation that reads the hierarchy table of an InfoObject to derive an attribute based on the position of the leaf in the hierarchy.

Unfortunately, use of tables, data elements, function modules is extremely restricted on BW bridge (and as I understand other cloud products). Only objects 'released' by SAP can be used in code and views, but this list is really short.

Surely, there must be a way around this?

In our case, not only are there thousands of lines of code that are unusable, I don't even see a way around it if the hierarchy table can't be read.

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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Hi Jorg,

Migrating own ABAP code to SAP BW bridge is a semi-automatic task that may require manual changes to the code. The set of released function modules and classes is not necessarily carved in stone. We validate requests to release additional function modules or classes on a case by case basis.

May I ask what is the use case to read hierarchy tables?


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Hi, Dominik. Your replies were extremely valuable. Did I get this correctly that the usage of any custom developed functional modules and classes is not the option unless I make them "released" somehow?
Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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No, this is not necessary. You can call your own custom developed function modules and classes without releasing them.

My previous comment was about function modules, classes, interfaces, data types, database tables, etc. provided by SAP which may - or may not - be released. See the API State tab in the Properties view of the artifact in question.

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Thanks for reply, Dominik.

Now, I'm confused a bit because of following situation: On BW Bridge side, I've recreated my Z* FM, which is being used in Start routine of my transformation. While performing the Shell conversion for this transformation, I've got the error message:

"Error in generated class: The use of FUNC Z_*** is not permitted". The system I'm migrating from is BW4HANA 2021.

Maybe, you've got any suggestions how to resolve it?

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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I've tried to reproduce your issue in an internal system, without success. I was able to create a Z function module and use it in an ABAP routine of a transformation.

Could you please log an incident in SAP Support Portal? We can then check in your system why the error is raised.

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Hi, Dominik. Really appreciate your help. We've submitted the ticket about this issue



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Update: There was a typo in the name of the function module. That's why the (misleading) error message was raised.

Summary: Using (custom) Z function modules in BW bridge is supported. And there is no need to release the function module.