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cds-typer and the text tables (localized properties)

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I am trying to migrate my project from using cds2types package to @cap-js/cds-typer. With cds2types, when I defined some property as "localized", the generated .ts file would contain a constant that could be used to reference the generated text table as well as a class that would represent an entry in the text table. Looking at the file generated by cds-typer, this does not seem to be the case. I also don't see any mention of this in the documentation

Is this a missing feature? How should I access text tables for localized properties?


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Hi Martin,

I'm afraid localisation is currently not available in the generated types yielded by cds-typer (as you have already suspected).

But it does sound like a very useful addition. Would you mind bringing this up as issue in the GitHub repository? Just file it as a bug, we will then treat it as a feature request.


Active Contributor