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Change logic of a filter in SAC from "OR" to "AND"


Hi All, I was wondering if there is a way to change the logic within a single SAC filter. My current understanding is that by default the "OR" logic is applied to a single filter within SAC. My questions:

1. How can I change the logic from the current "OR" logic to "AND" logic?

2. Is it possible to give the end-user an option to choose between what logic they would like to use in that filter - "OR" or "AND"? How would I go about this?

Thanks very much for your support!

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Would you please provide a concrete example of what do you want to achieve?
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Hi William_Yu,

Thank you for your response. Perhaps I can make it clearer by illustrating with my specific use-case.

I'm working on a SAC dashboard and I have a filter for Country. When I select two or more countries from this filter, for instance Germany and Spain, the currently applied logic to the accompanying widgets uses 'OR'. This means that the data for these widgets updates to correspond with records matching either Germany OR Spain.

  1. My first query is about how I can modify this filter's logic such that the 'AND' function is applied instead. In this case, I want data in the widgets to be updated only if both conditions – Germany AND Spain – are fulfilled.

  2. My second question is more about user flexibility. When end-users access my dashboard, could they have the option to switch between 'OR' and 'AND' filter logics in the Country filter? Essentially, giving them the ability to decide whether they wish to view data satisfying either OR or AND conditions.

I hope this clarification helps. I'm looking forward to hearing about whether these particular functionalities can be implemented. Thank you for your support.