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Cloud Foundry trial: application stopped by admin, and I'm not authorized to do anything anymore

Active Contributor

I just deployed a toy application onto Cloud Foundry using one of my p-accounts. I scaled it up and down (vertically as well as horizontally, and all of a sudden cf logs didn't retrieve anything, so I looked in the cockpit, and this was what I could see:

Also: I couldn't restart the app or do anything else anymore. Under the Space members I was still there as Space Developer and Space Manager.

So there ends my limited knowledge of CF. I would appreciate any pointers or explanations as to what happened and why. In a prod environment I'd now get real worried...

Thanks, Fred

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Active Contributor
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OK, I got help from the SAP Cloud Platform team: apparently there was a batch process that sometimes (not often) erroneously locks a user and/or stops applications. Hopefuly (and probably) only in the trial landscape.

Anyway, it has been solved!