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Cloud Platform Integration SFTP strange error


Hello, I am developing an integration flow and last week the SFTP outgoing file write connection was working.

Now it gives me "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail".

The SHH connection test of scpi works perfectly, I can even see directories and files.

On internet I've foun someone saing that it can be a timeout related issue.
So I raised the timeout to 90.000 millisecs and now it says "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT: 11 Idle connection".

I really can't understand, I even deleted and re created the connector with no success...

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Hi Massimo,

we have also a problem with the sftp adapter. After the last update of the CPI the public key authentication is not working anymore.

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similar topic for us... strange thing is that for some time it is working and then agin it is not working