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Consuming External Service Onpremise in SAP CAP


Hi everyone,

I was reading many threads about how consume an external service in SAP CAP. But i didn't find a solution to my specific problem.

My app is configured to consume an enternal service in Onpremise SAP server. When I use the same destination in the wizard of BAS to create a fiori app, it's work fine.

- EDMX was imported

- Destination was added to package.json

- The services connectivity, xsuaa and destination have been used

- BTP Destination was configured with Basic Auth, Proxy Onpremise

When I try to use this service with a Select, i am receiving "Error during request to remote service: Request failed with status code 401" Logon failed

Is the problem the connectivity of my app to cloud connector?


Active Contributor

I would suggest to do a trace in cloud connector and check if the authentication data is passed correctly.

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I was trying to build an CAP application with an onpremise odata service but i got an ECONNRESET error and dont know how to fix it.


Hi Arthur

Could you provide more details about the error? Do you have a connectivity instance in your app?


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I am working with a destination and in my code I am using this connection.

The problem I think I am facing is not that I am calling my destination wrong but in the cloud connector I am using a https url but when I am trying to use it as a destination it changes to an http.