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Create a Daily Enrollment Trend Comparison Dashboard

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Is it possible to create a daily enrollment trend report on WebI?

I have a report that is scheduled to run each morning to see the enrollment totals for that day. I would like to create a trend line dashboard that will display all the enrollments from the current and previous dates.

Thank you in advance,


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After saying that you had 100 enrolments yesterday, how can you say we're still counting students from previous dates (per your statement below)? Either you've counted the enrolments from past dates or you have not, it can't be both, unless you've some paper enrolments which came yesterday and haven't been entered in the system with a prior enrolment date.

"However, we are still counting the students from previous dates."

Also, if you run the report each morning say 7am, you'll get the enrolments for yesterday (which includes enrolments from 12:00am to 11:59pm yesterday), and enrolments today from 12:00am to 7:00am. But as you'll be having more enrolments today, you might want to refresh that report multiple times during the day to check the actual enrolments for today. You can use the Auto-refresh mode to do that.

If you don't have that version of BO, you can use the below workaround.

Finally, it'd be helpful if you have some sample data and/or chart images to describe what are your challenges.

Did you create the Line Chart already? There should be many blog posts or youtube videos showing how to create a fancy Trend/Line chart, if you need any help with that.

This is a blog to create Line chart for a specific purpose.

Mahboob Mohammed