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Desactivate i18n files text validator rules

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Hello, I have a question, don’t know if it's possible or not:

Can we des-active the "text validator" somehow inside the i18n in Web Ide? Right now, it shows an Info Message for all "non valid" texts, and it's really annoying (at least for me). The only way to have a valid text would be for example:

#XBUT: Button Create
#XBUT: Button Search

So it requires you to define a type & description for all text elements, but for example it dosn't allow you to group:

#XBUT: Buttons

This forces you to have x2 lines inside your i18n file if you don't want to see all these info warnings.

Also, as it doesn’t allow to group, it's harder to differentiate different text types.

Tried in Project settings or Workspace configuration, didn't found nothing.

PD: Also is there a way to have a general comment inside the i18n file? Only way found is with #AAAA (4 uppercase letters) ....

Thx in advance

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Do you also group different types?

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Yello Yuvul,

The way I create the I18N texts are to be “simpler” to read and to fast know its content, so normally what I do is create them in this format:

Message.CreateProject=Are you sure you want to create ...
Label.ProjectID=Project ID

After that I group/order them by "categories" as Messages, buttons, labels... and by views.

Also, I create them Camel Case and as them are showing its category, in my opinion it's very fast to see the meaning of the text.

I can also consider using your defined types as prefix:


The only problem I see with that are the texts dependent on views, for example:


These non-common texts, as titles, I like to have them in that format (seems easier to find them after, easier than if we have Title.Products )

This is how I work with i18n texts. Sometimes I change the format If I find a better approach, but for now this looks nice to me 🙂

This is my way for sure there are thousands more, it's just to give you my "Persona" of how I work with them, also maybe someone read it and want to implement in their projects 🙂

So, if you add the option to remove the text validator or allow it to be changed, it would be great 🙂 Thx in advance.