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Descriptive text replacing a code in a smartTable

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I have the following scenario.

A smartTable with two fields, one for the code and one for its description.

What I want to represent is a single field with the description that will later become a drop-down with different options defined by its code.

I want to get something like this, but only using annotations.

I know that within the SmartTable I can define a table with Smartfields to get it, but it is not what I am looking for, it has to work by annotations.

What I have is the following:

This is my SmartTable:

In the metadata we receive this:

And in the annotations we have declared the LineItems and for the code field the dropdown.

Getting the following functionality:

Reading Mode:

Edit Mode:

But here I have two problems.

In read mode, the code is represented, not its description.

In Edit mode, your displayBehavior shows the description and code, but I just want the description.

How can I get this?, just by annotations.

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I answer myself, in case it serves someone.

Finally I couldn't create the dropdown exclusively by annotations, so I had to declare the table by the xml view.

My initial problem not to do it this way, is because I add rows to the table in an inelegant way through the addRow method, mixing odata and local data.

It is also a table whose data is updated with the server causing a constant rebind of the table and therefore the rows added from UI5 are removed.

Problem that is caused when I declare the table in the xml view, however we managed to correct it by overwriting the updateItems method of the table.

It is a particular scenario of our project, but for a conventional implementation the following procedure should be correct.

We need:

2 entities:

  • 1 entity that retrieves the data to display with two fields (key and value, for example DropdownKey: "001", DropdownText: "Fantastic option")
  • 1 entity with key value fields to retrieve all the data from the dropdown.

Xml view: we declare the table and the smartField.

Annotations: We define the properties of ValueList

Metadata: Required tags on the fields of the entities.


Our dropdown is called "Tipo Posición" consisting of the ItemType and ItemDescription fields.

This is our entity for the dropdown: "TipoPosicion" with the key value fields.

XML view:

Don't forget to declare the customData library to enable smartFields.

<smartTable:SmartTable entitySet="{EntitySetTable}" width="100%" direction="Column"
		tableType="ResponsiveTable"  useTablePersonalisation="true"
		enableAutoBinding="true" useExportToExcel="true" 
		editTogglable="true" customData:useSmartField="true" >
<Table id ="mainTableListaPosiciones" >
          <core:CustomData key="p13nData" value='\{"columnKey": "ItemType", "columnIndex":"1", "leadingProperty":"ItemType"}'/>
       <Text text="{/#EntitySetTable/ItemType/@sap:label}"/>
          <smartField:SmartField value="{ItemType}" entitySet="EntitySetTable" >
		<smartField:Configuration displayBehaviour="descriptionOnly"/>


<Annotations Target="Metadata.EntitySetTable/ItemType">
   <Annotation Term="Common.ValueListWithFixedValues" Bool="true"/>
      <Annotation Term="Common.ValueList">
         <Record Type="Common.ValueListType">
	    <PropertyValue Property="CollectionPath" String="TipoPosicionSet"/>
	    <PropertyValue Property="Parameters">
        	   <Record Type="Common.ValueListParameterInOut">
 		      <PropertyValue Property="LocalDataProperty" PropertyPath="ItemType"/>
		      <PropertyValue Property="ValueListProperty" String="ItemTypeCode"/>
		   <Record Type="Common.ValueListParameterDisplayOnly">
		      <PropertyValue Property="ValueListProperty" String="Description"/>
  		   <Record Type="Common.ValueListParameterInOut">
	              <PropertyValue Property="LocalDataProperty" PropertyPath="ItemDescription"/>
  		      <PropertyValue Property="ValueListProperty" String="Description"/>


We redefined the DEFINE method of the * MPC_EXT class.

For the table entity we add the sap: text tags in the key field.

DATA(lo_entity_type) = model->get_entity_type( iv_entity_name =  'EntitySetTable' ).

DATA(lo_property) = lo_entity_type->get_property( iv_property_name = 'ItemType' ).

DATA(lo_annotation) =
 lo_property->/iwbep/if_mgw_odata_annotatabl~create_annotation( 'sap' ).
 lo_annotation->add( iv_key = 'text'
 iv_value = 'ItemDescription' ).

In the dropdown entity we add the tags sap:text and in its container sap:semantics = "fixed-values".

lo_entity_type =
 model->get_entity_type( iv_entity_name = 'TipoPosicion' ). "#EC NOTEXT

lo_property = lo_entity_type->get_property( iv_property_name = 'ItemTypeCode' ).

lo_annotation = 
   lo_property->/iwbep/if_mgw_odata_annotatabl~create_annotation( 'sap' ).
 lo_annotation->add( iv_key = 'text'
 iv_value = 'Description' ).
lo_entity_set = model->get_entity_set( iv_entity_set_name = 'TipoPosicionSet' ).
lo_annotation = lo_entity_set->create_annotation( iv_annotation_namespace = 'sap' ).
 iv_key = 'semantics'
 iv_value = 'fixed-values'

In this way we achieve the desired result: