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Design Studio applications not resizing for different window resolutions

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Hello experts,

I have created a design studio application on desktop with resolution 1440*900 but when I try to view the application on other desktops with resolutions like 800x600,1024x768,1280x720,1280x1024, the panels and the graphs do not resize themselves. I am using IE9 on all the desktops since that is the standard client browser. Is there anyway to tackle this issue?

I am using Design Studio 1.2 with IE9.

If this is the case, isn't this a huge task to design the same applications for different desktops/laptop users?

Appreciate your help on this.



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If you face issues with the native components. Then we have to wait for SAP to come with the solution. But for SDK we have the work around

Thats the issue with the sdk. The real reason behind the issue is. Our SDK component loads faster than the grid. So its taking the initial height of the grid and then the grid resizes.

I have a workaround for this. It worked for me. Include a settimeout function over your component function.


this.afterUpdate = function()







It makes the component to reload after the Container(grid,tab strip,pagebook) loads.

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For SDK components I have also seen this exact same problem and have worked around it in a very similar way that Praveen mentions.  It has always been specific to the Grid layout container, and to complicated it even more, it acts a little differently (albeit problematic in either case) between IE9 and IE11.