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Error creating custom tile in Cloud Foundry

0 Kudos

Hello SAP Community

I am trying to create a custom tile in cloud foundry with the Launchpad module but when I deploy I get an error.

This is my manifest:

	"_version": "1.8.0",
	"sap.flp": {
      "type": "tile",
      "tileSize": "1x1"
   "ach": "CA-UI2-INT-FE",
	"": {
		"id": "appui5.appui5",
		"type": "application",
		"i18n": "i18n/",
		"applicationVersion": {
			"version": "1.0.0"
		"title": "{{appTitle}}",
		"description": "{{appDescription}}",
		"sourceTemplate": {
			"id": "html5moduletemplates.basicSAPUI5ApplicationProjectModule",
			"version": "1.40.12"
		"crossNavigation": {
			"inbounds": {
				"appui5-display": {
					"signature": {
						"parameters": {},
						"additionalParameters": "allowed"
					"semanticObject": "appui5",
					"action": "display",
					"title": "titulo ma"
	"sap.ui": {
		"technology": "UI5",
		"icons": {
			"icon": "sap-icon://favorite",
			"favIcon": "",
			"phone": "",
			"phone@2": "",
			"tablet": "",
			"tablet@2": ""
		"deviceTypes": {
			"desktop": true,
			"tablet": true,
			"phone": true
		"supportedThemes": ["sap_hcb", "sap_bluecrystal"]
	"sap.ui5": {
		"rootView": {
			"viewName": "appui5.appui5.view.View1",
			"type": "XML"
		"dependencies": {
			"minUI5Version": "1.65.6",
			"libs": {
				"sap.ui.core": {},
				"sap.m": {},
				"sap.ui.layout": {},
				"sap.ushell": {},
				"sap.collaboration": {},
				"sap.ui.comp": {},
				"sap.uxap": {}
		"contentDensities": {
			"compact": true,
			"cozy": true
		"models": {
			"i18n": {
				"type": "sap.ui.model.resource.ResourceModel",
				"settings": {
					"bundleName": "appui5.appui5.i18n.i18n"
		"resources": {
			"css": [{
				"uri": "css/style.css"
		"routing": {
			"config": {
				"routerClass": "sap.m.routing.Router",
				"viewType": "XML",
				"async": true,
				"viewPath": "appui5.appui5.view",
				"controlAggregation": "pages",
				"controlId": "idAppControl",
				"clearControlAggregation": false
			"routes": [{
				"name": "RouteView1",
				"pattern": "RouteView1",
				"target": ["TargetView1"]
			"targets": {
				"TargetView1": {
					"viewType": "XML",
					"transition": "slide",
					"clearControlAggregation": false,
					"viewName": "View1"

This is my CommonDataModel module:

	"_version": "3.0.0",
	"identification": {
		"id": "b49e7de8-a998-4f8f-8d68-7fe41787f00f-1584044420748",
		"entityType": "bundle"
	"payload": {
		"catalogs": [{
			"_version": "3.0.0",
			"identification": {
				"id": "defaultCatalogId",
				"title": "{{title}}",
				"entityType": "catalog",
				"i18n": "i18n/"
			"payload": {
				"viz": []
		"groups": [{
			"_version": "3.0.0",
			"identification": {
				"id": "defaultGroupId",
				"title": "{{title}}",
				"entityType": "group",
				"i18n": "i18n/"
			"payload": {
				"viz": [{
					"id": "",
					"appId": "",
					"vizId": "appui5-displayToDynamic"
				}, {
					"id": "appui5.appui5-1-1584057333925",
					"appId": "appui5.appui5",
					"vizId": "appui5-display"
		"sites": [{
			"_version": "3.0.0",
			"identification": {
				"id": "3fd97db4-54d3-4f03-8a7c-422169659f3a-1584044420748",
				"entityType": "site",
				"title": "SAP Fiori launchpad site on Cloud Foundry",
				"description": "SAP Fiori launchpad site on Cloud Foundry, deployed from SAP Web IDE"
			"payload": {
				"config": {
					"ushellConfig": {
						"renderers": {
							"fiori2": {
								"componentData": {
									"config": {
										"applications": {
											"Shell-home": {}
				"groupsOrder": ["defaultGroupId"],
				"": {
					"config": {
						"": "sap_fiori_3",
						"": ["sap_fiori_3", "sap_belize_hcb", "sap_belize_hcw"]

This is my businessapp:


	"_version": "3.0.0",
	"identification": {
		"id": "",
		"entityType": "businessapp",
		"i18n": "i18n/"
	"payload": {
		"visualizations": {
			"appui5-displayToDynamic": {
				"vizType": "sap.ushell.CustomAppLauncher",
				"vizConfig": {
					"": {
						"title": "{{staticUrlTitle}}",
						"subTitle": "{{staticUrlSubTitle}}"
					"sap.flp": {
						"target": {
                           "type": "URL",
                            "url": ""

When I create the tile with bussinessapp but tile of static type if it works normal.

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0 Kudos

Hi Bradguver,

thanks for your comment in my latest blog regarding that topic 🙂

Here are my thoughts on your example:

- the tile manifest seems OK.
- in the CommonDataModel.json file you need to enter in payload.catalogs.payload.viz array following code:

viz: [{
  "id": "", // appId from catalog/groups
  "vizId": "appui5-displayToDynamic" // visualization from business app configuration

- in CDM file the payload definition for the tile can be removed: payload.groups.payload.appui5.appui5-1-1584057333925

- in business app configuration file, set the vizType to the ID of your custom tile. In your case I guess that's "appui5.appui5"

Hope that helps, cheers
