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Export to Excel from ALV using Excel 2016 does not open the worksheet


Some of our users are now using Excel 2016 (32-bit) with GUI 7.40.

Whey they export to an Excel spreadsheet, the file is transferred correctly and Excel opens automatically. However, the newly downloaded file is not opened. The user must browse to the folder from within Excel and open the file.

Has anyone seen this behavior?

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Active Contributor

First off :

  • The effects only occur when using Excel 2016?
  • Are there Users that use a Different OS (Windows 7 VS 8 VS 10 VS ...?) that do not have the issues?
  • The issue does not occur in other Gui-versions (as an example: no issue when using SAP Gui 7.3x in combination with Office 2016)?

Those suble differences could be of importance ...

Please check SAP-KBA 2445376 on :

  • The correct SP-level of SAP Gui version to enable a good collaboration with Excel 2016 ;
  • It references a set of SAP-KBA's that are relevant to Office Integration, so please take all this detail into account ...

Please revert back if you need more help OR want to explain what the solution is ...

Kind regards

Nic T.

0 Kudos

Hello Nic,

Thank you for your response. I have done additional research and testing.

I went back to SAP-KBA 2445376 to ensure that our SP-levels are adequate. I also read through all related SAP-KBAs that I could find. Unfortunately, I have not found anything that sheds light on this issue.

The effect only occurs with Excel 2016. Other versions of Excel work correctly. Excel Inplace mode does not have any issues.

The issue occurs with Windows 10 Pro when using SAP Gui 7.4x and 7.5x. I don't have any users with the combination of Excel 2016 and older versions of Windows, but I will set up some test systems to see if I can narrow down things further.

Again, thank you for your response. If you have additional suggestions, I would be glad to hear them.


Margaret K.

Active Contributor

Apparantly there are some Known Stability Issues with Excel 2016 as SAP-KBA 2518588 - "Stability issues when using Excel 2016" indicates ...

It might be some Registry Key issue? Maybe do a Google-Search on this?

PS : Microsoft itself has an Office Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT) tool that could potentially help to gain insight? Never used it though ...

If none of those things helped, Contact SAP Support and raise an Incident.

0 Kudos
Ah, that is very interesting. Thank you for the pointer.

I will follow these leads.


The solution was found using Microsoft's OFFCAT tool as you suggested.

Reinstalling Office 2016 solved the problem.