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HANA XS JavaScript Destination with base authentication

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Hi there,

I am searching for an example on the Web which explains me how to use XS JS HTTP Destinations with a URL that has authentication set to "base" and needs to access the content from a url which can only be access by username and password.

The configuration syntax of .xshttpdest Files is linked here:

All the public examples like e.g. show only the easy cases with "authType=none" and I never found an example with "authType=basic".

The JavaScript API for HANA XS is not so extensive and hence I have my problems in setting HTTP request headers in JavaScript:$.net.Destination.html

I would like to write something similar to

req.headers.set("Authentication", "Basic " + base64_encode("USER:PASSWORD")) but I didn't find any example yet for this and my trials won't work. Can someone support here which is more experienced with HANA XS Destinations?

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Hi Andreas!

You can configure the .xshttpdest with basic authentication by setting authType = basic; in the file.

What you need to do then in addition is to configure the username and password for this destination using the XS Admin Tool (<server:port>/sap/hana/xs/admin). You navigate to your .xshttpdest file and provide the credentials there.

Afterwards, the server takes care of authentication with the stored credentials when you use the destination with the $.net API.