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How may I set default values in Invoice Processing Analysis?

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I would like to set default values in the Fiori App Invoice Processing Analysis App.

User Parameter configurable in the user settings does not function in this app, for example, in the reporting currency. Other than creating one's own custom analytics app, how may I set default filtering parameters in this standard Fiori App?

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Hi Tomoki..... Are you able to provide some screenshots and explain your requirement a bit more. Am I right in assuming that the defaults you have set in settings > defaults values are not visible as filters in the app? Are you able to adapt them from adapt filters?



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Hi Ranjit,

The filters below must be filled with default values, e.g. Display Currencies should be set as JPY.

The Default Value configuration is unfortunately not applied in this app, though this App belongs to FI module and the Label Name accords as "Display Currency." Though I leave blank in this picture, Comoany Code is also not taken as default in this reporting app.

I hope you will cast a light for this little inconvenience. Thank you for your support.

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Hello, To change the default values for app Invoice Processing Analysis, please check the steps bellow:
  1. The default value for, for example Display Currency, is defined in the evaluation of the Smart Business via the apps in the 'KPI Design'. There you can change the pre-delivered evaluations by SAP or you can create your own apps on the launchpad.
  2. Please check if you have the role 'SAP_BR_ANALYTICS_SPECIALIST' assigned to your key user to be able to access the app ‘Manage KPIs and Reports’.
  3. In the KPI workspace search for the analytics app title. in your case: Invoice Processing Analysis.
  4. You can edit the pre-delivered SAP settings and default values there.
    Note - If you do not have an option to Edit, kindly check for the appropriate permissions.

I hope this resolves your business needs.

Best Regards,


SAP Support

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Hi Felipe,

I tried this option and it did not work. It is still showing EUR as default currency for this app. For other apps its working fine. The issue is only with this app.



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It worked only when the target mapping reference is broken from technical catalog.

