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How to convert double quotes inside the JSON formatted payload to single quotes


My target system only understands the JSON format. We are getting data from EC, which is an xml format. We are saving all the required values in properties and for every target required field, we have specific conditions to meet and then need to call the property value based on the condition. So groovy was used to prepare the Json format payload.


def value = "'values': { ";

firstName = map.get("firstName");

lastName = map.get("lastName");

if (firstName != null){

value = value + "'First Name':'"+ firstName + "',";


if (lastName != null){

value = value + "'Last Name':'"+ lastName + "',";


value = value + "}";

def payload = value.replaceAll("\'","\"")

message.setProperty("values", payload);

return message;

After preparing the payload, all the single quotes(') were replaced with double quotes("). But now the problem is, we are getting single quotes(') in first name from source, now as we are replacing completed payload single quotes(') were replaced with double quotes("). It's causing issue. So, could you please advise me, how to fix this?

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Single quotes are invalid syntax for JSON so the sender should fix the formatting.

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Hi ryan.crosby2,

Thanks for the quick reply.

We are fetching xml payload from EC. As the target system need JSON format, we are forming the json payload using groovy.

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mohanty.atulkumar yes, I understand that... it still doesn't make single quotes in JSON valid... it should be fixed at the source (where you are picking it up).

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Hello atul,

Do you have some payload which can be used for try out .Also use CODE formatter in community text editor while placing scripts and input xml for easy copy paste.


Sriprasad s Bhat

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Hi shriprasad.bhat,

Thanks for the reply.

When payload was formed by calling the properties.

The initial formed payload will be like the below

'values': { 'First Name':'Hari Sophie','Last Name':'Pv'olt'}

After that, replacing single quotes with double quotes for complete payload

def payload = value.replaceAll("\'","\"")

This is how the payload looks like after the replaceall

"values": { "First Name":"Hari Sophie","Last Name":"Pv"olt"}