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How to deploy a CAP Fiori App from VSCode into Cloud Foundry?

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I have created a simple CAP app (db + service) in VSCode and deployed it to Cloud Foundry.

It works in the hybrid mode - I have deployed it and I can post some data to HANA Cloud from my localhost.

This is on branch initial_hybrid_mode of the repo:

Now I would like to add a Fiori app to this CAP project and deploy it to Cloud Foundry.

I want to use the managed app router and launchpad on CF.

What are the necessary steps to achieve that?

Is there any blog or tutorial which covers this scenario step by step?

Can I use standard Fiori Tools available in VSCode?

If yes, then what is the correct order of actions?

How should the mta.yaml look like?

I did the following:

1. Generated a Fiori Elements app:

and here comes the first question:

what is this destination for?

2. In the manifest.json file of the app I have added the section:

3. Next, I Changed HTML5Runtime_enabled to true in mta.yaml for the app destination:

4. According to one of the tutorials I should here add 3 destinations for the Launchpad service, but I have no idea, what the syntax is - so I DID NOT DO THIS STEP.

Probably these should be:

<appname>-app-srv , <appname>-html5-repo-host and <appname>-uaa

Are there any code generators for that in VSCode?

5. I have changed the directory to my sapui5 app directory and executed the command:

fiori add deploy-config cf

I was then asked again about a destination, but I have no idea what kind of destination that should be and for what purpose.

I have provided the same destination as in the deployment configuration during initial app generation:

The result is on the branch: add_fiori_elements_app of

Did I miss any steps?

Should anything be added manually to the mta.yaml?

With best regards,


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Yes, I followed this mission.

Maybe I need to go once again through the chapter "Prepare SAP Launchpad Service Setup".

I am missing in general the explanations about mta.yaml generation.

Some parts of it can be done using Fiori generators or cds commands, but some parts you have to maintain manually in mta.yaml.

And this is a nightmare when you do not know what you should configure, for what purpose and how.

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Here is another blog that details the setup with a referenced git repo with a complete project setup.


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