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How to transport Runtime Adaptation of Custom Fields using Adapt UI option in S4HANA 1909

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My scenario is as below:
I have used the CFL app to add Z fields to the Delivery line item business context - to get it extended into the targeted API and BAPI's; with the ultimate requirement to populate the Z fields in the LIPS table extension via those inbound API calls. Now my requirement is that I would like to add them to the Manage Outbound Delivery app (so that once those Deliveries are posted in SAP vis API call, thereafter can see the values in Z fields) and have been able to do it successfully at the Delivery Line item level.

The scenario here is, when I try to publish and put it in a TR, the popup window is not showing up any TR, although I've open workbench TR assigned to me. The catch here is, I'm doing this Runtime Adapt UI in my DEV box, on a testing client and not the golden client (golden client is the origin client for my Transports). The limitation here was that the Adapt UI activity cannot be done in the Dev client, because my landscape architecture doesn't allow to create business data in the Dev client and hence I cannot navigate down to the item level screen of Outbound Deliveries, in this case.

I know that there used to be an easy solution for such scenario using Screen Personas - where we can create Flavors in Testing client, setup a "push to client xxx" and push it to the Dev client. Thereafter, transport pushed objects from the Dev client to an open TR for movement to Quality, UAT etc.

Hence, my question is what would be the equivalent solution to push a Runtime Adaptation (Adapt UI) in a Transport in Test client in S4HANA 1909 system.



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Hi Subhadip,

one quesiton: Why are you doing it in Quality?

second question: You are saying, that the transport request was created in DEV, but you are trying to use it in Quality? Not sure if this will work. I would recommend to try to get some data created in DEV and perform everything in DEV.

Other than that, maybe try setting up the ATO? THough not sure if this will solve your issue, because if I understood you correctly, you are trying to use a TR in Quality, that is still residing in DEV.

For the ATO, in principle, it can be setup in every system/client, but I would prefer to do it in DEV (kind of old fashioned 😉 )

Here is a good blog by peter.nechala , describing the steps, but in principle, you have to do the following:

1.transaction S_ATO_SETUP executed in the backend.

2.creation of package connected to an transportation layer, in the backend

3.transports requests in the backend

4.execution of the software configurations app("Configure Software Packages", "Register Extensions for transports"), in the frontend, but configuring backend packages

5.Perform your extensions using the respective tools (UI-adaptations, custom fields & logic, custom business objects etc.) in the frontend. (This should be number 4)

6.Execute the Extension Inventory App, in the frontend ? This doesn't exist ("Extensibility inventory" app gives you overview of all extensions)

If you are following the best-practise, having only one (embedded) system, then backend = frontend.

Check out also this link:

Hope it helps.

BR, Aleks


Hi Aleksandar,

I think you misunderstood the part where I spoke about making the changes in the Testing client and not the Dev client. I am doing everything in S4D which is my S4HANA 1909 Development box ( not doing in Quality). Please note that there are two clients in my S4D box - client 100 is Golden Client where we do the Development and IMG Config, while Client 300 is our test client where we have the Business data (Master and Transactional).

Since we are not allowed to create business data in Golden client 100, I don't have a test data to navigate via the Fiori screens to reach the desired screen in "Manage Outbound Deliveries" app, where I would like to extend those custom fields. Therefore we are doing it in client 300. Also we have CHaRM implemented and source to handle our Transport Management and source system for the same in S4D100.

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Hi Aleksandar,

Coming to the steps you mentioned -
1. yes S_ATO_SETUP is already done and also I have the PFCG role for Key user extensibility.
2. I have used the apps " Configure Software Packages" and "Register Extension for Transports", in order to capture the Custom Fields in Z Package and TR while I created those fields via the CFL app (in my golden client 100)
3. I have an open Workbench request for me, but I don't think we can use the app "Register Extension for TR" to register the Runtime Adaptation, that I am attempting in my Test client 300 of Dev system.


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Yes, seems that I understood Quality-System etc.

Still, if the TR is created in DEV-client, and assigned to your DEV-Client-User, why would it appear in your TEST-Client, assigned to your User in the TEST-Client? This whole topic is not as flexible as Personas, where you can create flavors basically in every system / client, and also either transport, or export / import them etc.

Never tried out your scenario - curious to hear if you got this solved.




Hi Aleks,

I completely agree with you that the workbench TR which is create in DEV-client via the CHaRM process, will not appear in the TEST-client and somehow I also feel that as the reason for the TR dropdown (check the first screenshot shared ) not showing up anything.

Therefore, since this is quite a common business scenario of having a DEV tier with 2 client architecture, and I know that SAP has addressed the same in Screen Personas (using the "Push to Client xxx" feature in /PERSONAS/ADMIN -->Settings), it makes me wonder if I am missing something or there is a feature gap in S4HANA 1909 for Runtime Adaptation.

peter.nechala , jocelyn.dart - Tagging both you for some advice on this please.


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Hi Subhadip,

I'm struggling with the same issue you raised here and was wondering if you managed to find a solution?

I'm adding custom field to business partner but can't navigate to the relevant screen to adapt without having some data in the golden client...



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I have a very similar problem.

I have to perform UI adaptation in the development client, but there is no decent data there to navigate through the Fiori transaction.

I am missing the prerequisite in the help on UI adaptation, that you should have decent data in the dev system.

Can you perform the UI adjustment in other system - quality or even productive?

Can you somehow mock the data?

Here is link to my: question

With best regards,


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Czesz Krzyszek,

I also replied to your original question, but for the sake of complicity...

Do you have two clients in the dev-system, like empty 100 for development, and 110 for unit tests, with some test data? You could in principle also perform there those activities concerning UI-adaptation? In principle, you could even perform those activitie in quality.



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Hi Krzysstof and Jack,

No I did not get a meaningful answer to this question from SAP, with all hope that they has/will come up with something as sensible as "Push to client" feature in Screen Personas in S4HANA 2021.

I understand it is difficult in DEV landscapes where you have two clients (one for coding and other for unit tests/ business data). Basically, your origin system for TRs' would be the Dev client, and hence you don't see any workbench TRs' in the Unit test client as per my initial screenshot. On the contrary, if the BASIS team opens your Unit test client, and you manage to create a workbench TR there, then you can see it in the UI adaptation popup and the objects captured thereafter are type LRCD (LRepository Client-Dependent content). The main problem from hereon, since you cannot move this ad hoc unit test client TR, since no defined TR path is configured your landscape and copying the LRCD objects manually to another blank TR in Dev client, doesn't quite help because your objects are type LRCD, aka client dependent!

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Hi Subhadip Bose

I have the same question as you do.I'm able to do the Adapt UI in a TEST Client but not from the Config Client because of master data absence.Did you found any way yet to resolve it ?Thanks
0 Kudos

Hello Subhadip,

Just to add a pointer about Ui adaptation changes in dev and test system.

I did some ui changes using ui Adaptaion and mapped it to a workbench TR(at publish step) however the TR was/is, not assigned to any package and after TR movement to Test system, the changes got reflected in Test system.



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Hi Sushanth,

Thanks for your inputs. If you are getting the TR during the publish step, that means the origin system of your TR is the current client where you are doing the development, for example S4D system, client 100. And if you are getting to navigate to the required screen, that necessarily means you have business data to do the navigation, so your client 100 is a golden client and test client at the same time.

This is not true in my case, my landscape has two tier clients 100 and 200 in Dev system. 100 as Golden client, while 200 is test client. Therefore, my TR origin system is also S4D 100. I am unable to do this UI adaptation in 100 client, as it lacks any business data and I cannot navigate to those 34d/4th level screen in the Fiori app without any data. I cannot do this in 200 client, as then I am not prompted for any TR in the dropdown, since the source client for all workbench TR is 100 client.

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Subhadip,

As of 1909, the recommended way to transport a Runtime adaptation(Creation of custom field and adding to a screen via adapt UI) is via configuring Software packages. You can refer to the attached video in the documentation for more info on transport. You can also refer to the blog for more info.

Best Regards,


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Hi Prashanth,

whatever you are suggesting is true for any extensibility done via the Extensibility Apps like CFL and CBO. Infact, I have used the apps "Configure Software Packages" and "Register Extension for TR" both while creating those Z fields and transporting them in TR from DEV->Quality->UAT box in my landscape (Dev box, golden client)

Here, I am querying about the next step where we do a Runtime Adaptation (Adapt UI) to embed those custom fields created via CFL app into my business app "Manage Outbound Deliveries". I followed the below blog by jocelyn.dart , and it mentions about assigning a Workbench TR when we hit the Publish button after Adaptiing the UI5 screen.
Fiori for S/4HANA – Adapting Terminology in SAP Fiori apps via Key User tools | SAP Blogs

Do you mean to say, the workbench TR which we are going to use while we hit publish button for Adapt UI, should also be pre-assigned to a package via the "Configure Software Packages app". Please note that I am doing this Runtime adaptation in Test client of my S4 Dev box for business data availability required in screen navigation(100 is Golden client and 300 is Test client in my case).

