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Hybrid Implementation SAP CAI with CAI Builder and own development

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I have a question regarding a possible integration scenario of CAI.

Would it generally be possible (or explicitly not recommended) to implement an SAP CAI chatbot partially through the web-based bot builder and partially with own logic and skills? In this case the bot connector would have to be custom built and self hosted.

This way features that are not part of SAP CAI (yet) could be custom built (such as drag&drop for file upload, special input masks in chat window, chat records, etc..). I am not talking about a (e.g. nodejs) server for web hooks but a dedicated server that hosts the bot connector as well as custom process logic.

For example:

user says a > [nlp analysis] > start skill x as implemented in the bot builder on the website (simple chat)

user says b >[nlp analysis] > start a conversation programmed in own backend (complex backend end process)

Are there any best practice examples for this case or difficulties to be expected? I guess it would be possible to do an implementation using only the CAI nlp and programming all the rest but that is probably not the best solution...

thanks for your input.

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Hi Marvin,

No such hybrid implementation scenario is available today or is in the plan for the near future.

Regards, Rahul