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IOS SDK Assistant - "Failed to link the generated files to the Xcode project"

0 Kudos


Using the SDK Assistant 3.1.301 - MacOS Mojave.

Trying to generate a project on a Olingo Service that previously worked but now it fails with the error.
"Failed to link the generated files to the Xcode project"

Happens on last step of the wizard, having selected Master Detail.

I can see that it creates the project behind the scenes - but cannot be opened (corrupt).

Any hints would be appreciated 😄


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0 Kudos
Hi Allan,

Could you please follow these steps to provide the necessary logs for the team?

  1. Start the “Console” application
  2. Reproduce the issue in Assistant
  3. Open the preferences in Assistant, select the general tab.
  4. Copy the filter string (subsystem:
  5. Switch to the Console application, paste the filter string into the search field (top right corner)
  6. Now, you should see the Assistant’s logs. Please select and copy them.

Thanks and Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hi David,

Below is the log for the same issue.

error16:52:35.270582 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantFailed to fetch discovery service domain! Details: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Assistant.AssistantCPmsAdministrationServiceError error 0.) (File: CreateApplicationScenario.swift, Function: fetchDiscoveryDomainAndGenerate(with:application:completionHandler:), Line: 74)

default16:52:35.665375 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantEnumerated observers (and delegate) with: didReceive challenge (File: SAPMacNetworkingLogger.swift, Function: info, Line: 30)

default16:52:53.163660 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantSAPURLSessionTask's finishBehaviour: initial (File: SAPMacNetworkingLogger.swift, Function: info, Line: 30)

default16:52:53.566419 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantSAPURLSessionTask's finishBehaviour: initial (File: SAPMacNetworkingLogger.swift, Function: info, Line: 30)

error16:52:53.566626 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantInvalid StatusCode:404 (File: SAPURLSession+DataTaskProvider.swift, Function: cfOptionalStringRespondingDataTask(with:completionHandler:), Line: 59)

default16:52:53.722482 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantEnumerated observers (and delegate) with: didReceive challenge (File: SAPMacNetworkingLogger.swift, Function: info, Line: 30)

default16:52:54.012902 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantSAPURLSessionTask's finishBehaviour: initial (File: SAPMacNetworkingLogger.swift, Function: info, Line: 30)

error16:52:54.013181 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantInvalid StatusCode:404 (File: SAPURLSession+DataTaskProvider.swift, Function: cfOptionalStringRespondingDataTask(with:completionHandler:), Line: 59)

default16:52:54.613737 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantSAPURLSessionTask's finishBehaviour: initial (File: SAPMacNetworkingLogger.swift, Function: info, Line: 30)

error16:52:54.613954 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantInvalid StatusCode:404 (File: SAPURLSession+DataTaskProvider.swift, Function: cfOptionalStringRespondingDataTask(with:completionHandler:), Line: 59)

default16:52:55.100382 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantSAPURLSessionTask's finishBehaviour: initial (File: SAPMacNetworkingLogger.swift, Function: info, Line: 30)

default16:52:55.100932 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantMetadata downloaded. (File: OnlineMetadataProviding.swift, Function: downloadMetadata(for:completionHandler:), Line: 66)

default16:52:55.109422 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantGenerating intermediate proxy classes for destination: (File: ProxyClassGenerator.swift, Function: generateProxyClasses(for:metadataLocation:proxyClassDirectory:), Line: 74)

default16:52:55.160788 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantGenerating final proxy classes for destination: (File: ProxyClassGenerator.swift, Function: generateProxyClasses(for:metadataLocation:proxyClassDirectory:), Line: 107)

default16:52:57.172276 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantSwift file list: ["ESPMContainerStaticResolver.swift", "ESPMContainerFactory.swift", "ESPMContainerMetadataParser.swift", "ESPMContainerMetadataText.swift", "ESPMContainerMetadataChanges.swift"] (File: ProxyClassGenerator.swift, Function: collectGeneratedProxyClasses(atPath:), Line: 180)

default16:52:57.172503 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantSwift file list: ["ESPMContainer.swift", "ProductCategory.swift", "SalesOrderHeader.swift", "Address.swift", "SalesOrderItem.swift", "Customer.swift", "PurchaseOrderItem.swift", "ESPMContainerMetadata.swift", "Stock.swift", "PurchaseOrderHeader.swift", "Product.swift", "ProductText.swift", "Supplier.swift"] (File: ProxyClassGenerator.swift, Function: collectGeneratedProxyClasses(atPath:), Line: 180)

default16:52:57.180554 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS Assistantmedia found (File: MasterDetailGenerator.swift, Function: addMasterCellForRowAt, Line: 541)

default16:52:57.705357 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantXCode proj modification (file adding) output: /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/nanaimo-0.2.6/lib/nanaimo/reader.rb:284:in `raise_parser_error': [!] Dictionary missing ';' after key-value pair for "remoteInfo", found "H" (Nanaimo::Reader::ParseError)

# -------------------------------------------

# proxyType = 1;

# remoteGlobalIDString = 7A1315B41D4B982000A5DA56;

37> remoteInfo = Sample app;


# };

# /* End PBXContainerItemProxy section */

# -------------------------------------------

from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/nanaimo-0.2.6/lib/nanaimo/reader.rb:199:in `parse_dictionary'

from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/nanaimo-0.2.6/lib/nanaimo/reader.rb:132:in `parse_object'

from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/nanaimo-0.2.6/lib/nanaimo/reader.rb:193:in `parse_dictionary'

from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/nanaimo-0.2.6/lib/nanaimo/reader.rb:132:in `parse_object'

from /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/gems/nanaimo-0.2.6/lib/nanaimo/reader.rb:193:in `parse_d (File: <decode: missing data>, Function: <decode: missing data>, Line: <decode: missing data>)

error16:52:57.705430 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantRuby script failed:

#!/bin/env ruby

# encoding: utf-8


# Ruby script for link proxy classes to xcodeproj


require 'xcodeproj'

project ="/Users/username/Documents/Practice/Sample app" + "/" + "Sample app" + ".xcodeproj");

# Add the file to the main target

main_target = project.targets.first

addedFiles = { "ViewControllers/SalesOrderItem/SalesOrderItemDetailViewController.swift" => ["Sample app" ,"ViewControllers" ,"SalesOrderItem" ], "ViewControllers/PurchaseOrderHeader/PurchaseOrderHeaderMasterViewController.swift" => ["Sample app" ,"ViewControllers" ,"PurchaseOrderHeader" ], "ViewControllers/SalesOrderHeader/SalesOrderHeaderMasterViewController.swift" => ["Sample app" ,"ViewControllers" ,"SalesOrderHeader" ], "Proxy Classes/internal/ESPMContainerFactory.swift" => ["Sample app" ,"Proxy Classes" ,"internal" ], "Proxy Classes/public/Supplier.swift" => ["Sample app" ,"Proxy Classes" ,"public" ], "Proxy Classes/public/ProductText.swift" => ["Sample app" ,"Prox (File: <decode: missing data>, Function: <decode: missing data>, Line: <decode: missing data>)

error16:52:57.705680 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantProject generaton failed - Error Log: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Assistant.AssistantProjectGenerationError error 2.) (File: CreateApplicationScenario.swift, Function: generateAndPersistApplication, Line: 39)

error16:52:57.706039 +0530SAP Cloud Platform SDK for iOS AssistantMessage:

Project generation failed

Failed to link the generated files to the Xcode project


The operation couldn’t be completed. (SAP_Cloud_Platform_SDK_for_iOS_Assistant.ScenarioError error 0.) (File: CommonAlertHandler.swift, Function: displayAlert(for:parent:title:), Line: 23)

