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MDK functionality to download TXT file

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Hello experts,

I have a requirement asking for an application that allows users to scan Barcodes sequentially on a Zebra HHT, save them on internal storage with a certain format and finally download the scanned records in a PC via USB or Bluetooth as a TXT file.

The problem is that, to my understanding, SAP MDK doesn't offer some download functionality like that. Correct me if I'm wrong, please, because I'm not experienced in these matters.

What I'd like to ask is what would be the best approach.

Right now I have the Barcode scanning functionality part with an MDK action which executes an MDK Rule that pushes each reading on File System with the proper format, but I don't know how I can achieve the downloading part, as I've started learning MDK about a month ago.

More relevant information includes:

  • The application is built in SAP Web IDE (Neo version of Mobile Services).
  • MDK version is 6.3. User has commented that they'll try to move on to Cloud Foundry soon, so maybe that opens up more possibilities.

Very thankful,


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Product and Topic Expert

No, MDK does not provide any file transfer capabilities to export data out. As you mentioned, you can create local files on the device but there are no explicit file transfer capabilities. You can of course create the file in a "publically" accessible area on the Android device like Documents or Downloads. Once the file is created it would be accessible from a connected computer.

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Thank you bill.froelich, I'm going to try some other way.