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Mobile Transaction Bridge UI5 Project template BAS

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I want to create a ui5 project based on the odata generated from Mobile Transaction Bridge, but I don't know what I'm missing.

I do this in BAS.

But on the "MTB Destination" screen, none of the drop-downs have any data.

What do I still need to configure?

I have followed the guides, the MTB recordings, created an MDK application based on those recordings and now I was trying to create a UI5 application.

This is my Destination.

In the mobile cockpit I have the MTB recordings.

in the Destinations tab

It also has no problem in reaching the onPremise system.

I also have a hybrid application with its mobile and mtb connections set up and working.

I have seen the tutorials using mtb with MDK applications, but I haven't found much information to combine MTB and UI5, what do I need to configure to fill in the required data in the wizard to create a MTB based UI5 project?



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Hi ricardo7227 ,

Were you able to resolve the above mentioned issue ? The destination is not visible.
I am facing a similar issue. Also if I choose the MTB MDK Project template, then I am unable to view the Mobile application under Mobile Application field as attached .


Udita Saklani