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Performance Issue while loading PSA from A902 table



We have created secondary indexes on "Table A902" in SAP ECC to increase the performance improvement of data loading in SAP BW.

It is daily full load in BW. The table is having 800,000 records.

Initial load took around 37 Minutes. Now, It is taking 15 hours for the same amount of data.

We checked the data source in RSA3 for 50000 records and it is taking only 3 minutes to load data.

We are not sure why the Loading in PSA is taking too much of time?

Please advise or share your thoughts on this.

Fields used in secondary indexes created on A902 :






Best Regards,

Abhimanyu Sharma.

0 Kudos

I have a similar issue with Database table JCDS.

It will be helpful if you can provide me with the solution you found with your issue.

I have posted the issue also but still no positive reply has been received.


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Answers (2)

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi Abhi,

Check SM58 in ECC System. If there is something - clear it.

Verify the RFC from BW to Source system by logging in from Monitor screen of your PSA. It will give some clues on problems.

Hope you have enough BGD's when this load is happening. Else do it as weekend activity when there is no load traffic.

Regards - Kumar

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hi Abhimanyu

The number of records and the number of fields doesn't seem to look complex or time taking.

I want to ask few questions to narrow down the reason. If you have already done it, please provide the answers or do it and give us an update.

Do you have any exit codes return to modify the data or add additional fields?

Did you check the job log in source system and in BI?Could it be resource problem?

Did you execute the infopackage when no other jobs are running in BI and ECC?

Did you check SM58 in source system when the job was running. Was any RFCs in recorded mode?

