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Problem with SAP Overview Page, Table Card "DataFieldWithUrl"


Hello All,

I am trying to use UI.DataFieldWithUrl annotations with Table Cards in SAP Overview Page.

In the documentation, it should be simply rendered as a "Data Field" Line Item with type UI.DataFieldWithUrl. But for some reason, the column does not appear.

We are planning to launch an external URL with specific "ID" but with no luck, the column with a text hyperlink does not appear.

Sample code below has been used:

LineItem : [


$Type : '',

Label : 'Invoice',

Value : Invoice



$Type : 'UI.DataFieldWithUrl',

Label : 'Sample Column header',

Value : 'Sample URL',

Url : ''



$Type : '',

Label : 'Supplier ID',

Value : Vendor



Does anyone has a solution for this issue?

Just to give context, we are currently using Fiori Elements app deployed in SAP BTP, using only a Standalone App router but we're not using BTP Launchpad service.

We are using CAP (Node.js) as the backend / oData service provider.

Appreciate the help!



Active Contributor
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Are you using the OData V4 or V2 endpoint?

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Hi gregorw , I am working with Patrick (the OP) on this app. To answer your question, we are using an OData v2 endpoint as provided by the odata-v2-proxy adaptor npm package.

Additionally, the generated XML Annotation structure is correct, that is why we are having trouble understanding why the column isn’t rendered when using the UI.DataFieldWithUrl term.

For additional context, we are using Fiori elements outside of the BTP Launchpad service, accessing the app directly through the standalone approuter’s URL. Could this possibly be the root cause? Or this shouldn’t be an issue at all with regards to the main concern (url column)?



0 Kudos

Did you find a solution.I am also facing the same issue

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