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Publication failure - dynamic recipients and no data for a recipient

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SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform 4.2 Support Pack 8 Patch 4

We use dynamic recipients (Excel -> Webi) to distribute monthly cost center reports. Personalisation is set on Cost Center Key. The setting "Delivery Rule" --> "Deliver individual document when condition is met set to" is set to "If Scheduled content contains data".

If a cost center in our Excel file contains no postings that month, the entire publication will fail.

"2022-04-05 10:13:52,852 ERROR [PublishingService:HandlerPool-30] BusinessObjects_PublicationAdminErrorLog_Instance_1415732 - [Publication ID # 1415732] - Scheduling document job "Cost Center Summary MYTD vs PLAN (Local Curr)" (ID: 1,415,742) failed: publication failed: com.businessobjects.sdk.core.server.CommunicationException$UnexpectedServerException: Query script generation failed. See your administrator. No member found for Caption '00xx/xx-12502' in Characteristic 'Cost Center'. (FBE60502)"

I know we can exclude it in the publication or remove it from the list, but I wonder is there another way to ensure the publication runs rather than fail for the entire listing.

Thanks for any suggestions


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Hi Amit, Thanks for your feedback. I've tried a few of the delivery rule options but the job still fails on me.

With regards

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is your publication ran anytime without any delivery rule?