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Resend existing information in the offline store MDK SAP

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Hi Experts!

I have a situation with my application, on some occasions the information that is synchronized is not registered in the database. I understand that when the information is sent, the sap.hasPendingChanges() parameter changes and with that the information that is pending by synchronization is controlled, our question is, is there a way to resend the information when the sap.hasPendingChanges() parameter is false ?


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Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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To the best of my knowledge the short answer is no there is no way to resend previous transactions that were successfully processed.

Offline OData will queue up the transactions and when you upload those transactions will be sent to the backend system. If the backend system reports an error the transaction will remain on the client and an entry should appear in the ErrorArchive with additional details about the error. If the backend reports the transaction has been successfully processed it is removed from the queue and I do not believe there is any way to know what it was.

If you are seeing issues with data from transactions that were "successfully" processed I would start by checking into your OData service to make sure it is properly reporting when an error occurs and to debug / troubleshoot why the data is not processed successfully.