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SAC Application Designer embedded iFrame in Application with DWC Live connection error message

Active Participant

Hello everyone,

we built an SAC application that embeds another SAC application through iframe which has a data source DWC live connection.

We are having a problem that, although we are able to see the data, but whenever we load the embedded iframe, it gives us an error message shown below:

[Please allow popups for this site to enable your Live Data Connection. Correlation ID: 27967762-6328-4250-8143-242050491381]

We have already allowed the popup in chrome, but we do not have any possibility to enable pop up for our iframe.

Is there any possibility where we could fix this error message?

The strange thing is, the error message appears, although the data is loaded.

Has anyone faced this problem before?

Thanks in advance!

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Active Contributor

Starting from release 2021.12 it is already available,isn't it?

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Hi avsalynin,

I enabled/selected both these Sandbox restrictions but the web page shows blank when i run my analytic application. Any idea whats the issue?

PS: I am passing SAP BO Webi report link to the webpage widget.

Please see the attached error message

