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SAP Cloud Workflow - Completing User Task through API issue


Hi All,

So I have a workflow where after the main Approver(PAC Task) approves it sends on to two separate users for approval (Project PM/WP PM). If one rejects, a subworkflow service task is kicked off to "COMPLETE" the other users task so that it disappears from their inbox and re-enters for the PAC to approve again and repeat the flow.

The problem is that if a rejection is done and the other users task status is set to "COMPLETED" via service task (disappears from inbox), and then it comes through a second time from PAC->Project PM-> WP PM and now both approve, when it comes down to the Parallel Gateway, it never completes the workflow(EndEvent). As soon as the first user approves, the logs would show "Sequence Flow1 reached and immediately ParallelGateway2 reached. then once I approve the other, its simply says SequenceFlow 2 reached....but now the workflow never completes.

If I go through the approvals without rejecting and hence no programmatical "completion" of the one users task, the logs will show SequenceFlow 1 reached, then when I approve the last user task, it would say SequenceFlow 2 reached, only then does it say ParallelGateway2 reached and complete the workflow. Any ideas? I did try set my subworkflow service task status to CANCELED vs COMPLETED instead, but for some reason this hangs the PATCH API for the task even though have WFAdmin assigned as a role.

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Hi Rory,

we are looking into the problem and will keep you posted after the analysis is done.



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any update? I am facing the same issue now.