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SAP Intelligent RPA Automation Mail Outlook

Hi guys,

i have problem when tried save file (.xlsx) attachment in folder path.

I saw the documentation before, this :

that is my code,

any help?


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Hello everyone,

I have a problem on save mail attachment part. I checked your solutions above. But I couldn't solve my problem.

- Filenames.push? I don't know this functionality, is it mandatory to use in this code scope?

- Can' I use attachmentSave function like


- Is there a correct example?

Thank you all.

0 Kudos

Hi Bengu, you should use object parameter after path,

Here my example;

	var res = ctx.outlook.mail.getFilteredTable();
	ctx.log("Mail length: " + res.length,e.logIconType.Info);
	for(var i = 0 ;i < res.length;i++){
		ctx.outlook.mail.retrieveMail({EntryID : res[i]['EntryID'], StoreID : res[i]['StoreID']});
	ctx.log("Mail getCollectionLength: " + ctx.outlook.mail.getCollectionLength(),e.logIconType.Info);
	for (var i = 0;i< ctx.outlook.mail.getCollectionLength();i++){
		ctx.log("Mail i:" + i,e.logIconType.Info);
		ctx.log("Mail from :" + ctx.outlook.mail.getSenderAddress(i));
		ctx.log("Mail Subject :" + ctx.outlook.mail.getSubject((i)));
		ctx.log("Mail Body :" + ctx.outlook.mail.getBody((i)));
		ctx.log("Mail Attachments :" + ctx.outlook.mail.getAttachmentsCount((i)));
		for (var j=0;j<ctx.outlook.mail.getAttachmentsCount((i));j++){ 
"C:\\Users\\...\\RPA\\" + ctx.outlook.mail.getAttachmentsName(i)[j],
{Index : ++j} ); }
0 Kudos

Hi Bengu,

Here is what I used to recursively save attachments from certain emails. I saved my attachments in the log file of the project. I hope it helps

for(i=0; i<mails.length; i++) {
    ctx.outlook.mail.retrieveMail({EntryID : mails[i]['EntryID'], StoreID : mails[i]['StoreID']});

//Display some info about each email.
  for(i=0; i<ctx.outlook.mail.getCollectionLength(); i++) {
    ctx.log("Mail no: " + i);       
    ctx.log("From: " + mails[i]['Sender']);       
    ctx.log("Subject: " + ctx.outlook.mail.getSubject(i));           
//Here we start the procedure of downloading the attachments in the email (if they exist).

//Get the number of attachments for each email.
noAttachments = ctx.outlook.mail.getAttachmentsCount(i);
//Get the name of the attachments.
attachments = ctx.outlook.mail.getAttachmentsName(i);
//Download the attachments if they exist.
if (noAttachments > 0) {
//Save each attachment separately.
for(j=0; j<noAttachments; j++){
filename = attachments[j];
path = ctx.options.path.log + "\\" + filename; 
ctx.outlook.mail.attachmentSave( i, path, { AttachmentName: filename } );
ctx.log('File downloaded: '+filename);
0 Kudos

Hi, sorry for the wait, what is your version of Desktop Studio ?