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Service plan apiportal-apiaccess in the API Management, API Portal


Hi all, I'm trying to set up our API Portal. API Management, API Portal is subscribed for my subaccount and it's also entitled for API Management, API Portal with the service plans apim-as-route-service and on-premise-connectivity. No other service plans are available. In Trust Configuration I assigned all possible role collections to my user.

Now, according to step 9 of the setup documentation I should go to API Portal application. There I have to fill some data, among them Host Alias for Virtual Host. Since I don't know, where do I find this, I wanted to request a new, as documented. Two prerequisites are needed here, one of them is Creating a Service Key. Two further prerequisites are fullfiled (API Management, API Portal is subscribed, my user has the role Space Developer). But in step 4 of the documentation I should choose the service plan apiportal-apiaccess, which is not available for me.

What do I miss, what am I doing wrong?

I would very appreciate any hints and clues.

Best regards


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Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate

Afaik know, you don't need to set up a service instance to get the API Portal running. The virtual host will be part of the URL of your APIs. If I recall correctly, you can enter an arbitrary string.