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Shift a block area in Adobe Forms

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Dear all,

I'm having a doubt regarding a topic in Adobe Forms.

Let me briefly explain my scenario so far: My form has two blocks holding header information. Depending on the value of a custom table, this info are displayed on the left or on the right side of the form, hidding the other block. This is working just fine!. 🙂

But my rising question - mostly my doubt - would be: Could this feature be achieved by using the "this.x" feature?. It would be just marvelous if we could get the block shifted to the right or left.

Did someone face any similar issue?. It'd be nice to have an example of it!.

Thank you very much in advance!!!

Kind Regards.


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Hello Raúl,

I guess it is because you missed the ! after xfa.hostname. Btw. with 10,5 it might dissapear to the right.

Try this:


if ( != "XFAPresentationAgent") {
this.resolveNode("#pageSet.DELIVERY_NOTE.LEFT_FORM").x = "3.5";


Cheers Marc

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Dear Marc,

Thank you very much!. This was really helpful!!!. It worked just fine!.

Now I would like to get the following code ready...

But for some reason it's not working properly!.

Would there be something is missing - for sure - that I'm not seeing?. ! Surely! 🙂

Kind regards and, again, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

Kind Regards!.


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Dear Marc,

I just was checking this post again - because suddenly ( maybe after a SAP GUI update ) - the shifting process is not working anymore!. I guess sooner or later ( I hope that sooner, hopefully ) it will get solved. 🙂

But anyways, there's an additional question in regards of how to apply this settings for being sent to the real printer.

I have sought a little bit and I have some findings: Probably the event to be used would be PREPRINT.

And inside of this event, they talk about - but not totally sure how should these parameters be filled.

It'd be just awesome if you would give me a clue on that one!:

Thank you so much!

Kind Regards.
