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Should SELECT forUpdate throw exception when exec in own transactional context and can't get a lock?

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Hello CAP Team,

I've the following after UPDATE handler for Books:

  srv.after("UPDATE", Books, async (req) => {
    const db = await"db");
    const { Books: dbBooks } = db.entities;

    console.log("After request update triggered");
    await cds.tx(async (tx) => {
      const data = {
        title: "haha",
        stock: 0,
      // Expectation: Throws an error if entity can not be locked because it was updated in the standard handler
      let exists = await SELECT(1).from(dbBooks, 11).forUpdate();
      console.log("before updating book in separate tx");
      const result = await tx.update(dbBooks, 11).with(data);
      console.log("after updating book in separate tx");

When I run the following request:

PUT http://localhost:4004/admin/Books(11)
Authorization: Basic admin:
Content-Type: application/json

    "title": "test",
the execution gets stuck in the line with the SELECT for Update.

I would expect that the SELECT forUpdate should throw an exception when it can't get a lock. What do you think?

If you want to replicate this issue please check bookshop-demo. The code is in srv/admin-service.js#L185 and the REST Client test request in tests/app/admin.http#L116.

Best Regards

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Are you running into this problem on SQLite and HANA or just against a local SQLite?

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It occurs in SQLite and HANA.

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johannesvogel could you try to get someone who can help us here.

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Hi Gregor,

if not wait time is specified, the default of the database applies (see On SAP HANA, that's the lock_wait_timeout of the index server.

let exists = await SELECT(1).from(dbBooks, 11).forUpdate({wait: 2});

This would wait for 2 seconds until it throws an error.


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Just a reference also to the .forUpdate() documentation.