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smartfield valueListChanged event not triggering?

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valueListChanged of smartfield is not triggering, do i need to add extra parameters to work?

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hi raghavendra nookala,

which version if UI5 are you using ?

Also can you share your view and XML code ?



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Hi Vaibhav,

I am using 1.60 version,please find the below xml code

<smartField:SmartField id="mat" value="{Material}" showValueHelp="true" valueListChanged="onvallistchange"/>

Thank You

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As per documentation, The event is fired when after selection of values with value help or auto-suggest, the model is updated with the selected data.

So when the value help is opened and values are selected, the event is not getting triggered when the value help closes.

Can you please share your annotation file along with the controller code ?

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Thanks for helping to figure out the issue, below are the annotation that are used in cds view, i havenot written any controller code for that method,just writen one alert msg in side the method.

@UI:{ lineItem: [{ position: 20 } ] , selectionField: [{ position: 20 }] } @Search.defaultSearchElement: true @Search.fuzzinessThreshold: 0.8 @UI.identification.position: 20 @ObjectModel.foreignKey.association: '_Material' Items.Material,

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I had similar problem when event valueListChanged of Smart Field did not trigger. Problem was in parameters passing from Value Help dialog back to Smart Field. I passed back non key field of VH entitySet. When I added to annotation entry also for key field of VH entitySet, then it triggered the event.

As a matter of fact, you can pass back value for field not just used in the Smart Field but you can pass it back to any field in main entitySet. In my case I use CustomerName for display in Smart Field and CustomerId as hidden technical field.