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Temporal Join in Composite Providers; key date selection?

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I have several master data with time-dependent attributes.

I'm trying to create a join between a standard ADSO and such infobjects, how can I select which data field in the transactional data has to be used as a key date to read the master data?


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Hi Andreas,

yes but the step I'm missing is this one:

  • First we joined ZAD_SALES with ZMANAGER, don’t forget to select Key date ZDATE in aDSO. We had to add another time characteristic, because characteristic 0DATE weren’t allowed for key date selection.

This is something I usually did in the Bex query, I can't find an option to do this in the standard ADSO (there are several custom field of type date).

EDIT: Right now I'm using a different solution, which is exposing DSO and master data as HANA views and joining them in a calculation view of CUBE type with a star join step, from there I can select how to do a temporal join between the FACT table (my ADSO in this scenario) and several other Infoobjects.

