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[UI5] How to deal with duplicated ID error?

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I have a fragment: MyFragment. Sample code is:

// MyFragment
<Label id="my_label_id" text="my label" />

My fragment is contained by other views:

MyView contains both Fragment1 and Fragment2, and Fragment1 and Fragment2 contains MyFragment.
In MyView, there are 2 MyFragment, so it contains 2 Label with same ID: "my_label_id". This leads to a duplicated ID error.
How to deal with this error?

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Not sure why you want to do this. IDs are meant to be unique.

Maybe you want to use this.getView().byId("my_label_id") irrespective of what fragment was opened or something similar. I suggest to just check what was opened and select the correct ID.

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This is the requirement. I need to add some labels to MyView. If MyView is in readonly mode, Fragment1 is show, Fragment2 is hidden; And If MyView is in edit mode, Fragment1 is hidden, Fragment2 is show.

I created MyFragment which contains all the new labels, and add it to both Fragment1 and Fragment2. Then get this error.

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I would try to use the destroy() method on Framgent1/Fragment2 when switching between display/edit.

Another option that still doesn't require having the same fragment duplicated would be to add the labels through javascript. I would probably prefer this one since with destroy() the fragments will have to be initialized every time.

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Yes, "add labels through javascript" may work. Thank you!