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UI5, problem when using ObjectPage in a UIComponent


Hello everybody,

I have a problem putting an ObjectPage into a UIComponent. The ObjectPage is no longer scrollable and the height goes towards infinity.

This problem does not only occur with an ObjectPage, other elements that provide scrollable content are also afflicted with the same problem.

Is there a solution or workaround for this problem? Or have I missed something in the documentation?

Here the link to the example project:

Many thanks in advance.

Sorry for the classification, the topic fits almost every category.

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I don't have an answer right now,

But, Wow, you have documented the question very clearly via the github 🙂

0 Kudos

Thanks, I know the feeling even when someone describes mistakes and you can't do anything with them yourself.

So there is an example at hand to demonstrate it and hopefully help can be given faster.

It is not the most beautiful example, just quickly put together, but it shows what it is all about.

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Link to openUI5 Issue (Github)