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UTF-16 LE BOM to UTF-16/UTF-8 Character encoding in SAP PI / PO

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Hi Expert,

i am using SAP PO 7.5 single stack, i have integrated SFTP to SFTP passthroguh integration for files.

from source system i am getting UTF-16 LE BOM format, i need to convert from UTF-16/UTF-8, data is integrated properly but from Al11/SAP system not able to validate the file from their program.

Could you please help me how to handle this?

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hello experts,

one thing in logs after transformed content still i am unable to change content type as UTF-8. Still it is showing UTF-16LE, please suggest how to change content conversion for passthrough file integration?


Kiran Polani

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I don't know if you need an adapter module, try the advanced parameters on the SFTP channel:

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not worked for me.

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no one know about conversion from UTF-16LE BOM to UTF-16? what a pity

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Do you have an XML file? Then do not use the TextCodepageConversionBean as this is intended for plain text files only. For XML files use the XMLAnonimyzerBean.

Another approach is using an XSLT mapping instead of adapter modules:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:output encoding="UFT-8" indent="no" method="xml"/> <xsl:preserve-space elements="*"/> <xsl:template match="@* | node()"> <xsl:copy> <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/> </xsl:copy> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>

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HI Stefan,

Thank you for your reply, but it is flat file to flat file, passthrogh integration(SFTP to SFTP).

Thanks & Regards,

Kiran Polani

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I was confused because you assigned ContentType as UTF-8.

In my opinion, it should work as you did, only the BOM should be removed somehow.
Did you check with help of a hex editor that the incoming file is UTF-16 and the outgoing file is UTF-8?

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issue resolved, earlier i was used convert in parametername, i changed to mode it is working as required.