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VIM Approval Statistic

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Hi Experts,

we are using the SAP Vendor Invoice Management by OpenText (VIM) in Version 7.50 PL7.
I was looking for a statistic report or table where i can find the names of the approver and the corresponding document-IDs. We need to know which user approved how much invoices.

I found table /OPT/VIM_1LOG but there are only the entrys of the process history. i need the infos of the approval history. Multiple tables in which I can merge the data would also not be a problem.

Thanks in advance

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if anyone is interested. I found the solution (a while ago).
In table /ORS/APPR_LOG is the approval log. I have filtered by the field USER_ACTION (for my statistic I needed "F").

I imported the data in excel and removed the duplicates by the OBJECT_KEY, because sometimes the approver have to approve one invoice multiple times, when it is changed in a later step.

I merged it with some other tables to get the correct names of the approver and the organisation unit. With some more excel-functions I could finally do the statistics and diagramms.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

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Hi Marcel,

How did link /OPT/VIM_1LOG and /ORS/APPR_LOG? Is it 1:1 relation?

Kind Regards,


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Hi Dominik,

for my statistic i did not link the two tables. The entrys of /ORS/APPR_LOG were enough for a approval statistic

Kind regards,
